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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kind of school is Central Park?  

We are a public, neighborhood school, with some of our students registering through the Open Enrollment process. 

2. What grade levels do you serve?

Kindergarten through Fifth grade.

 3. How do I know if my child is in the Central Park Attendance area?

Please go to School Finder.

4. What are the attendance boundaries for Central Park?

Please go to Boundaries.

5. We live in the Santa Clara Unified School District boundaries, can we open enroll to Central Park?

Yes, please go to Open Enrollment.

7. Do you have Before and After School Childcare?  

Please go to the site for Extended Day for more information. 

8.  Will you have the YMCA on your campus?


9. Do you have after school enrichment programs?

Yes, programs vary every year. Some examples are art, robotics, volleyball, flag football, etc.

10. How can parents/community get involved?

We have a Parent, Teacher Organization (PTA), School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC). We also highly encourage parent volunteers in the classroom and at school events. All adult volunteers in the classroom must complete a volunteer packet (go to the district Volunteer page to complete an application) and provide a clear TB test result. Please contact Ms. Kamstra if you are interested in learning more about how to serve on the PTA, SSC or ELAC: or Phone: 408-423-4401.

11. Do you offer a Preschool program? 

We do not offer preschool at Central Park at this time, however, there are a number of programs across the district. To find out more about our programs go to District Preschools and Children's Centers

12. Do you provide Transportation? 

Since we are a neighborhood school most families live within walking distance. Currently SCUSD does not provide busing. Families registering students through the open enrollment process must provide their own transportation. Students in Specialized Academic Assistance programs that are assigned to our school receive busing if Central Park is not their home school. 

13. What time will school start and end? What time can I drop my child(ren) off at school?

Please refer to the Bell Schedule posted under Quicklinks on our website. Note that we provide supervision in the morning beginning at 7:50 a.m. if children are eating breakfast. If they are not eating breakfast, they can arrive at 8:00 am. On rainy days teachers will open classrooms at 8:00 a.m.  

14. Will there be supervision at the Crosswalks?

Yes. There are crossing guards at Benton/Kiely and Benton/Sonoma.